Statement – Clubhouse break-in

17 May 2020

We are saddened to learn that there was a break-in at our clubhouse at Croydon Arena in recent days. The only thing that was taken was a minimal cash float – there is nothing else of value in the building. The damage however, as you can see, was considerable. We are of course relieved, that was no-one was hurt.

We are extremely grateful to:

Croydon Arena GLL staff for their ongoing support and for alerting us.

Croydon Council for their offer of support in the coming weeks.

Croydon Police for being so prompt following us reporting it.

Fellow Arena users Croydon FC alerting us to this happening. They’ve also had many break-ins themselves in the past 18 months.

And to our own Andy and Jules who dropped everything to go and tidy, as well as board up the doors.

Stay safe,

Croydon Harriers

Croydon Sports Arena,
Albert Road, South Norwood,
SE25 4QL
0208 647 1341 - General Enquiries, Mike