Record turnout at 2023 South Norwood parkrun mob match
Report via Alan Dolton on behalf of both clubs
The ninth annual ‘mob match’ between Croydon Harriers and Striders of Croydon took place
on Saturday morning, in conjunction with the South Norwood parkrun. The match saw the
highest ever number of finishers for both clubs. The first parkrun finisher was Mike
Cummings of Herne Hill (16:48), who was followed by six Croydon Harriers. Phil Symonds
was a close second (16:49), with Benjamin Whyte third (17:18) and Douglas Aikman fourth
(17:41). Kyron-Bailee Burke was the first under-18 to finish, placing fifth overall (17:53).
Patrick Lucas was sixth (17:55) and Matthew Shires seventh (18:10).
The first Strider to finish was Andrew Aitken, who placed first in the M40 age-group and
eighth overall (18:16). Lee Flanagan of Striders was first in the M45 age-group and ninth
overall (18:23). David Brown of Harriers was tenth (19:23). Striders had the next five
finishers, led by Graeme Drysdale who was first in the M55 age-group and eleventh overall
(19:25). Simon Ambrosi was 12th (19:31), just one second ahead of club colleague Steve
Corfield who was first in the M60 age-group and 13th overall (19:32), recording the highest
age-grading of 82.08%. Matthew Stone was second in the M60 age-group and 14th overall
(19:43), recording the second highest age-grading of 81.32%. Dan Forrester was 15th
Harriers had the next three finishers with Alan Burn 16th (19:52), Ashley George 17th
(19:54) and Sam Dorrans 18th (19:55). John Punt of Striders was 19th (19:56) and Marcos
Palomares-Conde of Harriers 20th (19:58). Thus Harriers had eleven runners finishing in
under 20 minutes, whereas Striders had eight.
Harriers had the first two female finishers. Zoha Jetha placed 25th overall in 20:13, which
was the fastest time ever recorded on the course by an under-18 woman. Her club colleague
Madeleine Armstrong-Plieth was first in the W40 age-group, placing 28th overall (20:38).
She was just ahead of Daniel Finch of Striders who was the first under-15 to finish, placing
29th overall (20:41). Niamh Vincent of Striders was the third female finisher, placing 31st
overall (20:56). Harriers had the first two under-15 girls to finish with Aida Palomares-
Dominguez placing 41st overall (21:30) and Lucy Cole placing 44th overall (21:34).
Jon Dean of Striders was first in the M65 age-group, placing 47th overall (21:36). Luka
Scott-Kurti of Harriers was the first under-11 to finish, placing 77th overall (23:20). Saria
Scott-Kurti of Harriers was the first under-11 girl to finish, placing 96th overall (25:03).
Sunanda Sarker-Bell of Harriers was first in the W55 age-group, placing 97th overall (25:04).
Michael Bassett of Striders was first in the M70 age-group, placing 150th overall (27:43).
Colin Cotton of Striders was first in the M75 age-group, placing 158th overall (28:40). Lesley
Bassett of Striders was first in the W70 age-group, placing 250th overall (51:21).
Striders had 52 runners finishing in under 30 minutes, while Harriers had 44. In total, Striders
had 64 finishers whereas Harriers had 56. Scoring 56-a-side, Harriers won by 3258 points to
- Using the ‘Thornbury’ method whereby all 120 finishers score, Harriers won by 3673 points to 3587.