Coach Mike’s book now available

01 Sep 2024

New and quirky coaching book by Coach Mike Fleet is now available to purchase.

It is full of imaginative, visual ideas to inspire athletes of all ages. Also contains a chapter of “Tips from the Top” with advice from successful international athletes past and present.

Coach Mike’s book – full details, including how to purchase

The synopsis reads:

The beauty of Athletics is that it has something to suit virtually everyone and it is an accessible sport in which performances can all be measured and recorded. As Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympics, said, “The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well.”

Awareness of the efforts of others within an event and those competing for the same team, be it school, club or beyond, can stimulate team spirit and lead to long-term friendships.

The seeds for this book were sown many moons ago, when an eager group of Loughborough PE students were riveted to every word of the legendary National Coach Geoff Dyson. Full of well-researched technical expertise, he concluded with a strange but true statement, “You can’t have pole vaulters without poles. Now go back to your hinterlands and spread the Gospel!” It is hardly surprising that some of his audience left mildly confused.

Read Athletics Weekly’s Book Review

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